We know how tough this year has been, and we know how it has spoilt almost all the happy party plans we had. Marriages have been canceled, house parties have been deferred till no time and birthdays have been postponed too.
Now, we understand that marriages are very important and hence certain relaxations have been given about the gatherings! But what about Birthdays?
They are equally important, and COVID has really killed the fun for them!
Had it been adults, it would have been still okay to explain the situation to them, but birthdays are mostly kids’ affairs, and hence the bargaining power of making them understand the situation is really less!
Being a firm that has always been at the forefront of fun and creative celebration ideas, we thought that We needed to find a solution!
So, we thought, brainstormed a lot and came up with some fun ideas to explore
Bake The Cake!
No hassle here, please, and yes, we have taken the point! We know that not all of us want to get our hands dirty. Plus, cake baking isn’t easy either. There are just so many variables to consider to make the right cake. It takes years or at least months of practice to make sure that one can bake the perfect cake.
But then, what is a human mind if it cannot find a workaround? So, we browsed the internet and found a few cool DIY cake ideas which will not just make the birthday boy or girl feel happy and special but also establish you as a cook with exemplary culinary skills.
Check out these awesome 50-easy cake ideas!!
Alternatively, did you know that bread-jam with gems served alongside make for a good midnight snack too!!
Oh, by the way, we have come up with a really cool cake idea, and so here is a smart Aeroplane Cake for you!

Virtual Surprises!
Well, this is where our expertise comes! We have been known for awesome surprise ideas after all, and given this pandemic situation, we found some awesome workarounds too! And while all of our usual surprises are back in work and we can help you with room decor, personalized magazines, personalized poetries, room settings, and a lot more, we have virtual options for the extra cautious ones too!
For instance, we can have you have your own virtual guitarist who will play for you. There is an option to get your string drawings or hand sketches home delivered. Even balloons can deliver your message for you, Or maybe a personalized radio show! Basically- the possibilities are endless!!

And yes, we offer midnight deliveries too! All safe and sanitized because we care for your safety!
Houseparty Games
Now that the cake is set, the surprises are set, what next? Well, how do you plan to engage the virtual visitors after all? So, here is a clue- Houseparty!! We meant the app, actually! Houseparty is an app that allows multiple people to join a single hosted party and play games. There are a lot of free games to choose from, but if you want things to be more specific to the taste, there are a lot of games which you can purchase too!
There are other apps too which can serve the purpose, but our vote lies with house-party for now, for it has been tried and tested a lot!
And for the Return Gifts!
Well, honestly, we feel that we have provided so many ideas, and you have done so much to help your kids or the loved ones enjoy, so return gifts can be discounted!!
But, if you still insist, make a self-made video thanking them for attending the party and being with you or your loved one on their special day! Believe us that would be the best gift to give!!